
Showing posts from 2010

My last post....

How dramatic I could sound with that title, I'm not dying or quitting to my blog, I just want to wish you all!.... Eftersom   de flesta   av   mina   gäster har   varit   från   den vackra   Sverige ,   Place   de   flesta jag vilja veta   i hela mitt   liv !   Jag önskar   er alla   killar   har en   riktigt   lycklig   semester   säsong ! Tack för   att släppa   här   och   har   läst   alla mina   inlägg , jag hoppas   du   fortsätta läsa   dem nästa   år ! Because most of visitor came from places where they have white and great (for me) Chritsmas ! I wish you all from the bottom of my heart, the best for this Holidays Season, Sharing with Family, Friends and those who you care for!!!  Thanks for dropping here and have read all my posts, I hope you keep reading them next year!!  Y cómo olvidarme de mi g...

MF-Ñ 2011: Semifinales con Nombres…

Con un retraso abismal (Casi 15 días) les voy a poner la lista, con la fecha y el lugar dónde se llevará a cabo cada una de las 4 semifinales del Melodifestivalen. Aún no hay orden de aparición, por lo que pondré la lista de Artista/Grupo en orden alfabético, ok! Aquí vamos… Semifinal 1: Febrero 5 de 2011, en Luleå. Danny – In the club Dilba – Try Again Jenny Silver – Something in your eyes Jonas Matsson – On my own Le Kid – Oh my God Pernilla Andersson – Desperados Rasmus Viberg – Social Butterfly Swingfly – Me and my drum Semifinal 2: Febrero 12 de 2011, en Gotemburgo (Göteborg) Anniela – Elektrisk Babsan – Ge mig en spanjor Brolle – 7 Days and 7 nights Christian Walz – Like Suicide Elisabeth Andreassen – Vaken I en dröm Loreen – My heart is refusing me Sanna Nielsen – I'm in love The Moniker – Oh my God! Semifinal 3: Febrero 19 de 2011, en Linköping Eric Saade – Popular  Linda Sundblad – Lucky you Sara Lumholdt – Enemy Sara Varga – Spring för livet Sebastian Karlsson – No on...


Cómo quedé la última vez que les escribí, les iba a estar contando más sobre el Melodifestivalen. Bueno, hagamos una sinopsis de cómo se realiza dicho evento. No voy a contar la historia porque eso tarda mucho y es poco el tiempo que tengo para esa labor, les voy a contar lo que sé y como lo conocí… El Melodifestivalen se lleva a cabo en mes y medio o 6 sábados, anualmente y está dividido de la siguiente manera: 4 sábados o un mes son para las semifinales o en sueco "deltävlingar" que se llevan a cabo en diferentes ciudades de la geografía Sueca. En cada semifinal se presentan 8 actos o artistas entre Bandas y Solistas, hasta no hace mucho sólo eran permitidos 6 personas por acto con el fin de que el acto ganador no cambie mucho en Eurovision. En cada semifinal la población o el televidente es el que tiene la vocería o el poder de elegir al ganador de la semifinal, al comienzo del show se abren la líneas para el televoto, se presentan los 8 actos en un orden previamente sor...


Well we still don't know all the song titles and maybe there it could be some song in this language, but I used that title so suggestive just to explain the following: As there's a lot of information in English and Swedish about this great show and there are also Hispanic speaking people who like this amazing and fantastic show, from now and then I'm gonna write about the show just in Spanish with a view more Latin and not European especially Spaniard (I know there are a lot of fans from Spain, but from here Latin America the view is so different), but if you are a non Spanish speaker and want to help with the blog sending me information in English I would appreciate! ;)… Hey you can also practice your Spanish here, I write as simply as the English! ;) Don't worry I'll keep writing in English and in Future I'd be writing maybe in the Second Language of ESC, yeah in French! (I'm studying it right now) Así que para los Latinoamericanos y los que quieran practi...

Internships: a need or a nightmare?

When you are thinking in your future, you have to think about study something that helps you to grow up like a person, earn Money and make you feel completed. If you live in a country that belongs to the bad called "third world" you have to think more in something that will make you earn enough money over the above mentioned items to choose the career you would like. It's my case, I love the languages and it's hard to find a job just with that profession here, so I decided to study a technology in Industrial mechanical maintenance, because I know I live in a "third world country" and if we want to advance we have to use all the resources and tools we have in our hands to find the way to overcome the poorness and the needs we have. And the Industry is one of the ways to do it, so that's the main raison I chose it. I'm almost finishing the career, I chose it too because it's not too long to study, because the educational institution makes professio...


Available in English / Disponible en Español (después) Following the line of the big period of time before the ESC, I'm going to talk about one but the best of the National Finals… Melodifestivalen! If you have the face of "Melodifestivalen, wtf?" right now, I'm going to tell you that it's a Song Contest held in Sweden by the Public National Broadcaster, Sveriges Television "Swedish Television" (SVT) as the tool for picking up the Song and the Act, who will represent the country in the upcoming Big European song contest; Eurovision Song Contest. Being honest with all of you, I'm still a new fan of this Big Show (MF), with almost the same account of fans that the ESC has, I knew it recently thanks to one of the Lovely Swedish Singer/Actress/Mom Linda Bengtzing. I have to say that my very first Melodifestivalen-Schlager song was "Jag ljuger så bra" (I lie very well). My second ever song listened entirely in Swedish language after Agnetha...

Die Woche

Right now I should be doing homework, but instead I'm here writing a little for not to lose the habit! Lol I began this week a little sick, now I'm not that good, but either bad at all, I'm still coughing but the fever and the nasal congestion because of the flu has almost gone complitely. The week was getting even more interesting, the next music capital of the Europe was chosen Düsseldorf won the right to host the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. I think it was a kind of good decision in spite I wanted the German capital; Berlin, to host the whole event. Well maybe for the next time (next year?). I made a question but nobody answer so I will keep doing what I want, writing in any language when I want lol ¡Así que no importará si mezclo los idiomas! Feliz con el rescate de los 33 mineros chilenos. Esa noche, la del rescate, casi no dormimos por ver la salida de cada uno, creo que eso le ocurrió a más de uno, así digan que no lo vieron. Cada vez me sorprenden más y par...

Question to my guests... Pregunta para mis visitantes

Should I keep writing in English and Spanish or just choose one of those to express myself on line? Would it be a great idea to switch one entry in Spanish and the next one in English? or Should I keep translating the entry I make, x ex. If I did an entry in English, make the translation to Spanish right after the English part? ¿Debería seguir escribiendo en Inglés y Español o sólo escoger uno de estos para expresarme en línea? ¿Sería buena idea intercambiar una entrada en Español y la que le siga en Inglés? o ¿Debería seguir Traduciendo la entrada que haga x ej. Si hago una entrada en Inglés hacer la traducción en Español inmediatamente después de la parte en Inglés? Because I care your opinion is why I make these questions. Thanks for your replies and have a nice day. Porque me importa tu opinión es por qué hago estas preguntas. Gracias por sus repuestas y tenga un excelente dia. Carpe Diem!!!

A new ESC season began

Yeah a new season and not only the Spring but the ESC 2011 one. Broadcasters from the whole Europe are thinking, creating or just preparing the way they are going to chose their song and representative for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2011 (With the venue to know too) With three representatives already chose from Germany, the Netherlands and Cyprus till now, and the returning of Austria. The rumors will come and go, the poll will show up just right after the last song have been chosen, the Returning of Italy, Monaco, Luxemburg, Andorra, Montenegro, and the rest of the non participating countries will be on blogs and esc-websites. That entire ambiance will be for a long time, the one who doesn’t write well the English we’ll be writing, posting, giving points of view of daily happening and go on till the end and after the winner be chosen. Have a nice day, get ready and enjoy the new beginning of ESC season with: popcorn, sheets of paper for scoreboards and the bets wi...

Sex is in the Air...

BEFORE TODAY Let’s talk about our favourite item, yeah S.E.X. Someone might be thinking “uhmmmm, no the hot topic” other should be thinking “This is gonna turn better” and others might be thinking “What am I doing reading this garbage?” if you are still reading this lines maybe it’s because you are a normal human being without any kind of taboo and want to know the point of view of another one. I have to tell you as a warning, I am not a sexologist, a pervert or sort of that, no, I’m just a person who likes to express himself. Let’s start, sex is in our veins from the beginning of everything, at least for the ones who were conceive in the normal way (man and woman coital relationship) the other way is the lab one (but that’s nothing sexual). We have to admit “we are sexual” from the beginning, after our birth the first thing we learned is crying (not sexual, but related) before we learn to speak, we learn to moan (uhmmmmm) yeah look for a baby; She/He is not to talk with you, she/...

Ilusión Cíclica

¿Están unidos o están separados? Si no terminaste mariado, es muy posible que lo hagas al final de la lectura (Bueno si lees todo) A veces la vida parece ser tan efímera, pero en verdad es que se terminan ciclos que deben culminar, la vida misma es un círculo, ¿no les parece? ¿Han notado que todo hace referencia a los agujeros, círculos, aros o cualquier otro nombre u sinónimo que estos puedan recibir, que sin embargo a la final tendrá una profundidad y forma circular? Alguien me dijo una vez, que todo en la vida ronda a los agujeros, de un agujero salimos, a un agujero vamos a dar, el placer lo encontramos en un agujero, respiramos por dos agujeros, comemos por un agujero, y ni se diga por dónde salen los residuos de esa alimentación. No sé si es una fascinación natural por la forma circular o simplemente es ley Universal, pero todo, entiéndase TODO en la vida es por ciclos o tiene forma de circuito, hasta los problemas pueden volverse un Circulo vicioso o parte de uno. Muchas cu...


Hace rato que no escribo en mi lengua materna, por eso a los que la entienden o al menos la leen les dejo esto ;) He estado pensando mucho sobre el “fin del mundo”. Recuerdo que me abuela Materna (q.e.p.d) cuando vivía decía: “El mundo se acaba para aquel que se va muriendo”. A pesar de que hay programas, libros, seguidores de religiones, incluso los mismo científicos han hecho sus postulados, es el sol de hoy (bueno la luna de ahora, ya que son las 11:40 pm) que aún sigo creyendo o dándole más peso a las palabras de mi abuela. CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL, ¿ES EL PRINCIPIO DEL FIN? En absoluto, lo que hoy llamamos “Calentamiento global” ha ocurrido tantas veces en nuestro planeta como las mismas “eras de hielo” y lo me refiero a las pelis del Perezoso y el Mamut que quizás muchos hemos visto. Lo cierto es que nosotros con el gran aporte y el supuesto “avance” tecnológico que hemos tenido en los últimos 2 siglos, hemos contribuido a acelerar el incremento en las temperaturas como consec...

What I've been done lately....

A lot of time has gone since I wrote here last time. I’ve been so busy lately, and I am still, but I did a break to write some words here in my little space on the cyberspace. How many things have happened since my last entry? Here in Colombia, just a day after the big European night, we had the Presidential election 2010-2014. Well not winner was announce that Sunday, it wasn’t possible until the third Sunday after that to know the name of the Uribe’s successor in Nariño’s House (Our Elysée Palace or White house version) But the first round winner was actually the premonition of Uribe’s successor. We had an amazing full of emotion FIFA soccer world cup in the beautiful South Africa! For the followers of Germany, I was with them too! ;) Even though, I’m glad that a non previous winner of the trophy got it this edition, so Congratulations Spain, it was now or never. The 4 finalists was the best even my South American Brother deserved the trophy if they would have reached the final...


Gosh! This year ESC final was one of the best for me! Why? No-one knows who would be the winner… Very deep on me, I felt it was Turkey, Germany or Belgium! At the end, I was not so lost, and it was Germany! Congratulations Lena and Germany! It was the time for a Big 4 and Western wins again like it used to be. The song: I think it was the easiest song along with the Swedish one and also with the Portuguese. It is so catchy just like it was “Fly on the wings of love” or “I wanna” from Latvia in 2002. The singer: The craziest one of the contest, maybe she was just herself with the easygoing of a young girl, she just had fun on stage and that captivated us for the first time when she won the German National Final. During her performance on ESC final, she robbed me a big smile, in that moment I felt, we had the Rybak’s successor! :P Germany has shown us that ESC is the same ESC we love, someone from long time ago, others from few years ago, like me, with the surprises of the n...


Well, let me tell you, this is the Hardest semi final, and if you feel that there were many surprises in the 1st semi final, don’t go away, there will be more in this one. I just hope at least seven from my ten fovourites qualify to the final. Apart for what I’ve said, I want you to know that the most likeable songs are in this one so I have not only 10 but 17 xD, I chose them for many reasons not only because I liked them but because the voting procedure itself. According how it is compounded the semi itself the televoting and jury voting will qualify the following entries/countries: Azerbaijan (will have the ticket thanks to Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Sweden, Denmark and UK) Turkey (the like for the song and the same Diaspora will give them the place in final, I personally think they would not need the second one, I like the mixture of sounds the song has) Sweden (Scandinavian voting and the song is good enough to get votes from the rest) Ireland (The singe...